
Buell History

On February 19, 1998, Erik Buell announced that he had sold almost all of hisinterest in the Buell Motorcycle Company to his business partner, Harley-DavidsonInc., Harley had been a minority partner in the Buell Motorcycle Company since1993. As part of the acquisition, Erik Buell became Chairman and Chief TechnicalOfficer. Jerry Wilke was named President of the new company.


  According to Buell, the acquisition was a strong signal of Harley-Davidson’scontinued commitment to Buell as a separate and distinct product and brand.“Now, with Harley’s expanded level of support, we can move forward with theexciting plans for growth that I have been dreaming about,” he said. “The purchaseis a strong endorsement from Harley-Davidson for me and the entire team at Buell.Business is booming and the best is yet to come!


The acquisition was yet another chapter in the remarkable story of BuellMotorcycles and a major event in the life of company founder, Erik Buell. For thepast 15 years, Buell has worked to develop a world-class American sportbike.


The first motorcycle designed and built by Erik Buell was the RW 750 in 1983. Thiswas a 750cc, two-stroke, “square-four”, rotary-valve racing machine designedspecifically to compete in the AMA Formula One road racing class. A prototypeRW750 first hit the track in the AMA National at Pocono Speedway in the summerof 1983. Buell continued extensive testing and development work on the bikethroughout that summer and into the fall. His success was measured duringtesting at Talladega , Alabama , where it was clocked at a top speed of 178 mph .



Development on the RW750 continued through 1984, a production version wasreleased in the fall. Just one RW750 was sold to the American Machinists RacingTeam before the AMA announced that 1985 would be the last year of Formula Oneracing. An announcement that Superbikes would occupy the premier race class in1986 effectively eliminated any market for the RW750.



Crushing as that may have been to lesser builders, Buell viewed the rules changesimply as a setback. He went back to work, this time aiming squarely at the goalof building the first world-class sportbike designed and built in the USA . Tapping hisknowledge of what works on the racetrack and his experience as a


Harley-Davidsonengineer, Erik Buell designed his first entry into the sportbike market, theRR1000. Powered by the Harley-Davidson XR1000 engine, the stiff, light chassiswas designed to allow rubber-mounting that became a patented engineering“trademark” of Buell sport bikes: the Uniplanar system.

Buell’s design also utilised the engine as a fully stressed member of the frame.Capping the engineering firsts was Buell’s use of a rear suspension mountedbeneath the motor and a shock that operated in reverse of the conventionalcompression-rebound practice. A total of 50 RR1000 models were produced during1987-88 before the remaining XR1000 engines were depleted.




Buell saw the new 1203cc Harley-Davidson Evolution engine as an opportunity tocontinue tuning the performance and handling qualities of his bikes. With that inmind, he began redesigning the chassis to accommodate the 1203. The resultingRR1200 model was introduced during 1988, and 65 were produced for salethrough 1989.





Streamlining and bodywork had been a particular talent and passion for Erik Buell.Thus, his motorcycles continued to change at a measured pace through the years.In 1989, he introduced the RS1200, a two-seat version of the RR model for riderswho demanded both world-class performance and two-up comfort. 105 of theseunique models were produced through 1990.


Five-speed transmissions were a new feature of the 1203cc engine in 1991. Buellresponded to revised engine mounting points with further design improvements tothe RS chassis. These bikes were the first production motorcycles to use “upside-down” (inverted) front forks, stainless steel braided brake lines and a six-pistonfront brake calliper.


As Buell motorcycles were refined, the company’s manufacturing capabilities wereexpanded. 1991 was the first year in which Buell Motor Company not only designedbodywork, but also produced it in a new composite and paint shop. The result wasgreater quality control and improved design flexibility.



A single-seat version of the RS1200 was introduced late in the 1991 model year.Dubbed the RSS1200, it won enthusiastic approval of the motorcycle press for itslean, clean lines. A total of 40 units were built between March and August 1991.Combined production of RSS and RS models totalled 325 through 1993.


In 1994, Buell introduced the curvaceous Thunderbolt S2, the first model producedunder the partnership with Harley-Davidson Inc. The motorcycle won rave reviewsfrom the motorcycle press and is still known for its beautiful lines and fluid design.A sport-touring version, the S2T, was added to the line-up in 1995. The new modelwas named Rider Magazine’s Top Innovation that season. Together, the two modelscombined for total sales in excess of 1,000 units.


The next year brought the introduction of the all-new 1996 Lightning S1. Theoriginal “street fighter”, the Lightning S1, defined a whole new class of “Hooligan”motorcycles. Featuring minimal bodywork, a racing-styled seat, exposed frame andthe centralised mass of the 1203cc engine, exhaust system and suspension, themodel was named “Hooligan Bike of the Year” by Cycle World Magazine that year.



A redesign of the Thunderbolt was also introduced in 1996 as the Thunderbolt S3and the Thunderbolt S3T. The models continued the design evolution of sporttouring motorcycles. Together with the Lightning S1, the S3 and S3T combined forsales in excess of 2,000 units.



In 1997, the Cyclone M2 was introduced to the Buell line and the motorcycleindustry had a new “Standard” class leader. With a more relaxed seatingconfiguration and wider seat, the Cyclone helped push Buell motorcycle sales abovethe 3,000 unit mark.



The new Thunderstorm engine was introduced into the Buell line-up in 1998 as thepowerplant for the new White Lightning S1W model. Similar in styling to the S1Lightning, the new bike featured a carbon fibre rear fender, bold colours, and thesuper-high output Thunderstorm engine. The S1W was named “Best Standard” byCycle World Magazine. The Thunderbolt models also received the Thunderstormengine to round out an impressive offering of 1998 models. Sales continued togrow, and in 1998 Buell sold more than 5,000 motorcycles.



A complete redesign of the Lightning and Cyclone models was in store for 1999.New body, new frame, new suspension, larger and more comfortable seats andbold new colour offerings were available on the Lightning X1 and Cyclone M2. TheThunderbolt S3 and S3T also received a refined seat and dramatic new colour andsport touring options. Dynamic Digital Fuel Injection (DDFI) became a standardfeature on the Lightning and Thunderbolt as well. The redesign and refinementshelped contribute to total sales of approximately 8,000 units world-wide during1999.

BUELL X1 Lightning





In 1999, Buell celebrated another milestone when it officially dedicated its new42,000-square foot Research and Development Centre adjacent to its existingfacility in East Troy , Wisconsin .


After creating a whole range of twin-cylinder motorcycles, Buell produced its firstsingle cylinder in 2000, the Buell Blast which features a 492cc engine. The Blast isthe perfect motorcycle to go after a whole new audience in the American marketwhere this bike has received several awards for its innovation. It is also the bikewith the highest quality rating and lowest warranty cost ever in the Harley-Davidson Company.



More than ever dedicated to achieve the best quality, Buell successfully completedits ISO 9001:1994 repeat audit in October 2000. This was achieved through astrong commitment to get continuous improvement, and to meet and exceed thecustomer expectations.


Enhancing the production process even further, Buell introduced a whole newdevelopment process.This process consists of 4 phases:


-                                                 Concept

-         The marketing, engineering, styling and service departments meet to discuss thefirst concepts. At this stage, a first experimental motorcycle is built.

-                             Proof of Concept

-         The main goals are defined and approved. Several R&D motorcycles are built. Thisis a very detailed testing phase. High mileage, high speed, traffic jams, high andlow temperatures. The bikes are tested in all conditions. A council made of Buelland Harley-Davidson engineers decides if the project moves to the next phase.

-                              Concept durability

-         The bikes are still tested. The production line is set up and tested. The reliability ofthe bike but also of the assembly line is tested. Again, the council signs before theproject moves to the final stage.

-                                Validation

-         The final test. All parts are thoroughly inspected, all the tests reports are checkedand signed off. All the departments sign off the final agreement.

The Blast (not available in Europe ) was the first motorcycle built by Buell followingthis process and it has proven to be the most reliable motorcycle ever built byHarley-Davidson Inc.


The Lightning X1, Cyclone M2, Thunderbolt S3 and S3T were also refined throughthis process for the 2001MY.

In the year 2000, Buell shipped over 10,000 units world-wide, a nearly 30% gaincompared to 1999.


On the 1st March 2001, John Hevey was named President and Chief OperatingOfficer of Buell Motorcycle Company. Jerry Wilke, the former President of Buell,was named Vice President and General Manager, Asia/Pacific and Latin America.On the 1st June 2001, Buell Motorcycles Company announced details of its 2002Model Year range including a special edition White Lightning X1W model.


On the 12th July 2001, in addition to the above models, Buell announced its mostexciting and radical new model to date: The Buell Firebolt XB9R, writing a newchapter in its history.



The Firebolt XB9R features a unique combination of innovative technology: fuel inthe frame, oil in the swingarm, ZTL inside-out front disc brake and radical chassisgeometry including a 1320mm wheelbase and 21° front fork angle.The Firebolt XB9R is powered by a new 984cc force air cooled 45° V-Twin enginethat has been developed by Harley-Davidson and Buell to deliver optimumperformance, which for Buell means great torque over a wide rpm range andsufficient, controllable power, user friendliness and an exceptional level of reliability.


On the 16th July 2002 Buell announced its 2003 model year featuring a secondmodel on the XB platform: the Buell Lightning XB9S. The Lightning XB9S is thereincarnation of the 1995 Lightning S1. It captures the soul, spirit, emotions of theS1 and combines them with the XB9R’s radical, modern, technology.


In July 2003 Buell extended the XB range with the introduction of the LightningXB12S and the Firebolt XB12R.

The new Firebolt mates the intuitive handling and innovative technology of theoriginal Firebolt XB9R with a torque-monster engine – a 1203cc air-cooled V-Twinrated at 100 peak horsepower and 81 ft .lbs.


The Buell Lightning XB12S is just as agile and sophisticated as the XB9S butpowered with the new XB1203 V-Twin engine it is almost brutal.


2005 MY

Model Year 2005 sees another first from Buell with the introduction of theLightning CityX XB9SX, the urban streetfighter.


Designed unerringly for the tough and aggressive riding that’s required on today’surban streets, the unique styling of the Lightning CityX offers a one of a kindtranslucent Hero Blue airbox cover and flyscreen, headlight grille, Supermotardinspired handlebars and seat, plus dramatically striking Villain Black wheels.

World-wide Production Figures of Buell (As per end of April 2004)

Model       Year Introduced    Years Produced        Approx.Number Built

XB Family

Firebolt XB9R/X12R

Lightning XB9R/12R) 2002        2002 –present              17857

Blast               2000        2000 – present             14298

Lightning X1        1999        1999-200                 19386

White Lightning S1   1998        1998                      2184

Cyclone M2         1997         1997-2001                 11894

Thunderbolt S3T     1996         1996-1998, 2000             1131

Thunderbolt S3      1996         1996                      1974

Lightning S1        1996          1996-1998                  4292

Thunderbolt S2T     1995          1995-1996                  500

Thunderbolt S2      1994           1994-1996                1,500

Westwind RSS1200   1991           1991                      40

Westwind RS1200/5   1990        1990-1992                   125

Westwind RS1200    1989        1989-1990                   102

Battlewin RR1200    1988        1988-1990                   65

Battlewin RR1000    1985       1987-1988                    50

RW750             1983          1984                       1

Retail Sales Buell

Total European Sales             Total Worldwide Sales

1999                2398                   6869

2000                2059                   9112

2001                2394                   10059

2002                1797                   8057

2003                3000                   9960

2004(Q1) 1065                  2375


(search from net news)


Part A:震驚消息


布爾摩托車生產。哈雷 CEO凱斯·萬德爾(Keith Wandell)解釋說:“布爾和奧古斯塔都是了不起的公司,是令人自豪的品牌,是高品質和運






廠生產線上,推出了一台2010年版的“閃電”Lightning XB12Scg。令人驕傲的是,這是布爾創建26年來的第136923台摩托車;令人悲傷的是,


2009年12月18日,布爾將公司生產的最後一台量產型摩托車“閃電”Lightning XB12Scg,以及各個時期的代表車型,包括1996年生產的S3T

Thunderbolt,1999年生產的X1 Lightning,2台特技車手克雷格·鐘斯(Craig Jones)和布巴·布萊克威爾(Bubba Blackwell)駕駛的改裝布

林摩托車,以及幾臺布爾摩托車原型等總共12台,捐贈給位於阿拉巴馬州里茲的巴伯摩托車運動博物館(Barber Motorsports Museum)。這意


◆ 經典車型
S2 Thunderbolt——1994年,布爾公司生產了S2 Thunderbolt,以優美的線條和流暢的設計獲得很好的口碑。1995年布爾再接再厲,推出了運

動旅行摩托車版S2T,並獲得了著名機車雜誌《騎手》(Rider)的“最高創新獎”。S2和S2T成為布爾雙驕,銷售總數超過1000 台。
S1 Lightning——1996年全新的S1 Lightning橫空出世。這是具有原創性的“街道鬥士”(Street fighter),發動機和車架完全裸露,排氣

管和懸掛系統都很衝擊眼球;賽車風格的座位和高度品質集中化程度,則賦予S1 Lightning靈活的操縱性能。布林再次奪得榮耀,S1

Lightning被《機車世界》(Cycle World)評為“年度惡棍車型”(Hooligan Bike of the Year)。
S1W White Lightning——1998年布爾家庭增加了重要成員S1W White Lightning。儘管造型風格類似S1 Lightning,但是S1W White Lightning

配置了強悍的雷暴(Thunderstorm )發動機和碳纖維後擋泥板,並配以狂野的色彩,一經推出即獲好評,被《機車世界》(Cycle World)授


到了很多褒揚,被 《摩托車駕駛員》(Motorcyclist)評為“年度最佳摩托車”,被《機車世界》(Cycle World)列入“年度十佳摩托車”

Firebolt XB9R——2001年起,布爾開始正式思考他的運動摩托車理念。布爾想製造最出色的美國運動摩托車,讓摩托車具有極佳的回應能力,


的“霹靂”Firebolt XB9R 問世,採用了堅固且扮演著油箱角色的全鋁合金車架。2004年“霹靂”變得更加強壯,發動機排氣量擴大到1203mL

,這就是Firebolt XB12R。
Lightning——2003年問世的“閃電”XB9S Lightning,比“霹靂”更好地貫徹了運動摩托車的理念,如較小的簧下品質、品質集中化、高剛性


Lightning CityX XB9SX。
Ulysses——2005 年布爾引薦了定位於兩用摩托車或探險旅行摩托車的“尤利西斯”XB12X Ulysses和XB12XT Ulysses。雖然都是探險旅行摩托

車,但是兩者相比,XB12X Ulysses偏重于越野,XB12XT Ulysses傾向于公路。

Firebolt XB9R——2001年起,布爾開始正式思考他的運動摩托車理念。布爾想製造最出色的美國運動摩托車,讓摩托車具有極佳的回應能力,就像是車手身體的延伸,具有異常直接的體驗——簡單地說,當你的大腦做出命令後,摩托車就迅即回應。2003年,代表布爾運動摩托車理念的“霹靂”Firebolt XB9R 問世,採用了堅固且扮演著油箱角色的全鋁合金車架。2004年“霹靂”變得更加強壯,發動機排氣量擴大到1203mL,這就是Firebolt XB12R。
Lightning——2003年問世的“閃電”XB9S Lightning,比“霹靂”更好地貫徹了運動摩托車的理念,如較小的簧下品質、品質集中化、高剛性車架,具有出色的操控性能。2005年布爾公司增加了街道鬥士版(streetfighter)的“閃電”,增強了中段轉速的動力輸出,這就是暴力街車Lightning CityX XB9SX。
Ulysses——2005 年布爾引薦了定位於兩用摩托車或探險旅行摩托車的“尤利西斯”XB12X Ulysses和XB12XT Ulysses。雖然都是探險旅行摩托車,但是兩者相比,XB12X Ulysses偏重于越野,XB12XT Ulysses傾向于公路。

ビューエル (Buell) は、かつてアメリカ合衆国で生産されていたオートバイブランドである。生産終了時の製造販売企業はハーレーダビッドソン






  • ラバーマウントによりフレームとパワートレインを繋いでいる事による振動の伝達を抑えた乗り心地の良さ
  • マフラーやサスペンションエンジンなど重い部品を車体中心の低部に集中させている事(マスの集中化)による、優れた操縦性
  • 極端に立っているキャスター角やクラスの割には驚異的なショートホイールベースによる、軽快なハンドリング
  • 既存のOHVエンジンとは一線を画した、俊敏で過敏なエンジンレスポンス
  • 全ラインナップに前後フルアジャスタブルサスペンションを採用、よりきめ細かいライダーへの適応性
  • リムマウントされた大径シングルローターによる、軽量でありながら強力なブレーキシステム



Model year HP@RPM Torque@RPM 排気量(cc) 乾燥重量(ポンド) ホイールベース(インチ) レイク角(°) トレール(インチ)

RW 7501984163.5@1050083.6@950074830455.5264.5
RR 1000 Battle Twin1986-198870@560070@4400997.544055.5254.6
RR 1200 Battle Twin1988-198968@600072@4000120344055.525.54.3
RS 1200 Westwind1989-199068@600072@4000120345055.525.54.3
RS 1200-5,RSS 1200 Westwind1991-199368@600072@4500120345055253.9
S2 Thunderbolt1994-199676@520076@5200120345055253.9
S1 Lightning1996-199891@580085@5200120342555253.9
S3 Thunderbolt199791@580087@5200120345055253.9
S3T Thunderbolt199791@580087@5200120346555253.9
M2 Cyclone1997-199883@580080@4500120343555253.9
S1 White Lightning1998101@600090@5500120342555253.9
S3 Thunderbolt1998-101@600090@5500120345055253.9
S3T Thunderbolt1998-101@600090@5500120346555253.9
M2 Cyclone1999-91@600085@490012034355524.53.8
X1 Lightning1999-2002101@600090@5500120344055233.5
XB9R Firebolt2003-200792@720070@550098438552213.3
XB9S Lightning2002-92@720070@550098438552213.3
XB12R Firebolt2004-103@680084@6000120339552213.3
XB12S Lightning2004-103@680084@6000120339552213.3
XB9SX Lightning City Cross2005-92@720070@550098438552213.3
XB12X Ulysses2006-103@680084@6000120342554.123.54.8
XBRR (Racing)2006-150@8000100@6400133836252.8213.4
XB12S Lightning Long2007-103@680084@600012034005423.54.7
XB12STT Lightning Super TT2008103@680084@600012034005423.14.7

from Wikipedia~


                                                                  Bull or Buell ?


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